TA-Gallery - Links to used sources

100% customizable and endless animation options. If you already use Tailwind CSS and Alpine JS in your project you might consider using this content, article and product pagination.

Alpine JS is a very easy to use and extremely light-weight JS Framework. You can say it is an “reduced” Vue JS so if you love Vue JS than this might be the right choice if you don’t need the whole functionality for smaller functionalities.

Tailwind CSS is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework and it delivers in combination with PostCSS and Purge extremely small CSS files.

Picsum Photos is an awesome “Lorem Pixum” service and quite fast.

Why Tailwind CSS is my CSS framework of choice - If you’re sick of tweaking the CSS framework you are using, don’t want to override unwanted styles anymore and are a big fan of modularisation, then Tailwind CSS was made for you.

Alpine JS – like Tailwind CSS for JavaScript - Use plain JavaScript also known as Vanilla JS to make your server side rendered pages dynamically the way you can do it in Vue JS with only 8,4kb costs. Sounds great? Try Alpine JS.

Accessibility Best Practices

A title and aria-label attribute accessibility test case

TA Styled Plugins Logo
Explore all TA Styled Plugins and learn how to enhance your website fast and easy. All TA Styled Plugins stand for light-weight, responsive, mobile first and 100% customizable with endless animation options and are based on Tailwind CSS and Alpine JS.

TA Styled Plugins are licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE for details.

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