TA-YouTube component is based on Alpine JS and Tailwind CSS. 100% customizable and with endless animation options. If you already use Alpine JS and Tailwind CSS in your project you might consider using this video wrapper to avoid autoload the YouTube player and solve privacy issues. So please try TA-YouTube and if you have some feedback - leave me a message: @markusantonwolf / Twitter.
If you are using TA-Analytics in the wild and want to see it in the following list just send me a DM on Twitter @markusantonwolf or mention me in a tweet.
TA-YouTube is designed to be as light as possible so it uses CSS only for the mandatory definitions. All design options are done with Tailwind CSS so you can adopt it to your needs very easily. Because TA-YouTube is reduced to the max you can use the code together with your own Alpine JS scripts. I recommend using Tailwind CSS and Alpine JS together with PostCSS, Webpack or Gulp so you can get the most out of the amazing Frameworks Tailwind CSS and Alpine JS.
TA Styled Plugins are licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE for details.
Copyright Ā© 2019-2022 Markus A. Wolf - www.markusantonwolf.com